Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Early Modern European History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Early Modern European History - Essay Example This in turn led to overcrowding in towns and the problems associated with it. The aim of this paper is to discuss the impact of the industrial revolution on different groups in society and how these groups responded to such changes. I will argue that industrial revolution despite its many advantages brought about serious problems to all groups in society; none was spared including infants. These ranged from physical to mental problems. The workers had no option but to work and the manufacturers were bent on ensuring value from their investments: machine and people no matter the working conditions. The industrial revolution affected many areas of society. These can be explained in terms of the working conditions in the factories, changes in living standards, attitudes and values of middle class and the effects it had on lifestyle. One prominent feature of industrial revolution was establishment of factories and also increased mining activities. There is no problem with the country pe ople living their local areas to go work in factories and mines as it was a means of livelihood. Furthermore, it offered more earnings than engaging in agriculture in remote areas. Those who went to town could send money to those back at home. They could also improve on their skills as they specialized in one activity unlike in feudal society where a serf did everything. Improved transport and communication was also essential for the society as now they could communicate and mix with people from all walks of life thus exchange cultures and ideas. Furthermore, women got to be engaged in work instead of being relegated to the domestic duties such as child rearing. If industrial revolution brought all these goodies, why was it so much resented to an extent of establishing commissions to investigate on its workings? Industrial revolution may have changed lives in a positive way but the way it was carried out left a lot to be desired. It led to deterioration of health of the society espe cially the infants even changed the way society is organized. Testimonies regarding working conditions in England and child labor in factories leading to the famous Factory Act of 1833 tell a lot about the sufferings endured by infants and adults alike in the factories and mines and also the reactions of manufacturers regarding workers plight. One of the testimonies was from the commission of medical examiners in North East England highlighting the physical condition of children working in factories. The report revealed some devastating effects on the children such as â€Å"deformity, stunted growth, relaxation of ligaments like knees and ankles and also relaxed muscles† (Sherman 142). The most worrying thing is that children as young as five years were engaged in employment and to make matters worse, they worked for thirteen hours a day. This is a disgrace to humanity that should be rejected at all cost. The 9, 10 and 11 year olds according to the commission worked for 14 an d 15 hours a day. In traditional society, children were supposed to stay at home and be cared for by their parents especially mothers. Even today, child labor is prohibited. Children are supposed to be in school studying but since those days schools were for the chosen few, children remained at home learning various skills from the society. When industrial revolution set in, parents colluded with masters to do disservice

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Does Work Overload Justify Negligence?

Does Work Overload Justify Negligence? Muhammad Qasim Introduction According World Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan is one of the 57 countries with acute deficiency of healthcare workforce and with no well-defined human resource development policy in place. The country is facing dual burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases with Doctor to patient ratio of as high as one doctor per 1254 population (WHO, 2013). The health care’s facilities remain overcrowded by patients, specially the public sector, which result in work overload and stress among the healthcare professionals. Medical officers (MOs) and Post graduate trainees have duty hours as long as 90 hours per week. Healthcare professionals under stressful condition and work overload are more prone to commit negligence and medical errors. The consequences of medical negligence range from a minor harm to loss of human life. This paper will discuss medical negligence, malpractice in relation to work overload in the light of ethical principles and theories. Moreover, some recomme ndation will be put forward to minimize negligence, establish proper reporting system and minimize work overload among healthcare provider. Scenario A 27 years old male was admitted to the general surgery ward with gunshot injury. He was on injection Nalbuphine10 mg as per need. This patient was constantly complaining of severe pain. The assigned nurse assessed his pain and informed the doctor about his condition. She also informed that the patient has already received Nalbuphine up to its maximum limit i.e. four doses in the last 8 hours. The doctor was overwhelmed with the workload of ward and emergency unit as well. He told the nurse that the patient and his family are exaggerating the condition. Meanwhile, the doctor visited the patient and informed the nurse that he has reassured the patient and his family. After one hour, the patient developed breathing difficulty and went into respiratory arrest. Patient was resuscitated promptly for twenty minutes, but he did not revive, and hence expired. The family showed a strip of tablets Lorazepam 2mg, and added that two tablets are given to the patient on the advice of the duty doct or. It was found that the drug was neither mentioned in patient’s file nor was it verbally ordered to the nurse. The doctor requested not to report the incidence. Later on inquiry revealed that consequences occurred due to additive effect of concurrent CNS depressants. Issue Analysis In the above scenario, the patient was in acute pain, the family was worried about his restless condition. His cries and complaints were disturbing other patients in the units. Doctor was burdened with too many responsibilities and had to manage the patients in ward, recovery room, and emergency department at the same time. Being overwhelmed with too many responsibilities he advised two tablet of Lorazepam 2 mg per oral without mentioning in patient file without considering the prior high deses of Nelbuphine. Consequently, due to the additive effect of the concurrent CNS depressants patient collapsed, and after an attempt of unsuccessful cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) patient expired. This was violation of ethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence. Moreover, the doctor’s intention was not to harm the patient however, he bypassed the nurse, did not indicate the order in patient’s file, and handed over written prescription to the father of the patient. The poor father brought the medicine and gave to the patient, which resulted in fatal consequences. It was breach in his duty toward his patient and violation of Hippocratic Oath (Cruess Cruess, 2014). It is also evident from the scenario that doctor wanted to just keep the patient calm and get rid of his pain complain. So, he prescribed a high dose of another sedative medicine for the sake of his ease. Though his intentions was not to harm the patient and was also over loaded with too many responsibilities but, my question is, does work overload justify negligence which cost a human life? Discussion Malpractice is negligence on part of an individual within a professional capacity. According to Beauchamp and Childress (2001) negligence is the absence of due care either intentionally imposing risk of harm or unintentionally but, carelessly in a given situation. Principle of beneficence is central to healthcare and healthcare professionals are expected to be beneficent toward their patients in any circumstances. According to Mustafa (2013) â€Å"Beneficence refers to the promotion of welfare, denoting acts of mercy, unstinting love and selfless humanity† (p.2). However, in this case the doctor not only failed to be beneficent but also committed such an act which resulted in sentinel event. He prescribed the CNS depressant beside he knew that the patient had already received 40 mg of nelbuphine since morning. It was the commission of a maleficent act on his part which, resulted in loss of a precious human life (Beauchamp Childress, 2001). Being in the professional boundary of a doctor, he was trusted upon by the patient and family and was expected to be beneficent toward patient in any case. On contrary, it could be argued that, his intention was not to harm the patient. He just wanted to keep the patient in rest and pain free. In Addition, doctor was overburdened with other responsibilities. He had to take care of other patients so, on the bases of utilitarian theory he was justified to take into consideration the care of other patients as professional obligation. Additionally, it was not only the patient but also the worried family members and other patients in the ward who were disturbed due to his cries and complains. So his decision of prescribing sedative pills was for the benefit of large number of people (Beauchamp Childress, 2001). Though, his workload was more than usual, and he had to fulfill too many responsibilities at a time. However, it neither allows him to be negligent in patient care, nor permit him to violate Hippocratic Oath in which, he had promised that â€Å"he will lead his life and practice his art with integrity and honor by using his power wisely† (Zafar, 2006). His action was deficient as compared to a reasonable and prudent professional under given circumstances (Burkhardt and Nathaniel). Moreover his act was a serious carelessness and maleficent in nature for the client which cost his life. Such negligence is not justifiable on the basis of any legal or moral grounds. Secondly, he bypassed on duty nurse who was responsible for the administration of the medication. It was breach of duty on his part to fail to enter the order in patient’s file. Being responsible for patient’s care, and employ of the institute, he was supposed to follow due course of actions of patient care. Moreover, the concurrence of opiates and sedatives would not have occurred if the doctor had followed proper procedure of prescription. On other hand, it could be claimed that, the ultimate goal of his decision was to relieve suffering of patient. Violating proper procedure of prescription and administration was probably intended to provide prompt relief. However, the nurse could have moved with the doctor in his visit to the patient to argue on the dosage about concurrence. Furthermore, the doctor might have thought about giving prescription to the patient’s attendant will take less time and so prompt relief; he therefore broke the chain of flow of proper protocol. The society expects professionally and morally sound decisions from the doctors. As a part of healthcare team, they are supposed to follow the policies and abide by the rules of the institute they work in. furthermore, â€Å"patients have the right to a quality of care which is marked both by high technical standards and by a humane relationship between the patient and health care providers† (Exter, 2009). In the scenario, the doctor’s noncompliance regarding proper procedure of prescription was below the acceptable standards and violation of his professional obligation. According to American medical association the doctor’s responsibilities include to be ever vigilant for the benefit of patient, and to bear their part in sustaining its institutions and burdens† (Cruess Cruess, 2014). A large number of doctors’ misjudgments and medication errors are corrected by dispensing pharmacist or medication nurse if proper protocols are followed (Al-shara, 20 11). Finally, his request to the nurse about covering the incidence was a professional misconduct as this was a sentinel event. However, the nurse properly followed the virtue of veracity and dared to report the incident. Resultantly, the inquiry revealed that the additive effect of the concurrent CNS depressants was due to negligence in clinical judgment and careless behavior of the doctor. It could be argued that the incidence occurred unintentionally, and its reporting could endanger the doctor’s carrier. In addition, reporting of the incidence could have cost his job and even his license of practice. Is it acceptable to take such risks in a country like Pakistan where there is already shortage of doctors? The negligent behavior of the doctor cost a precious human life, even though he requested the nurse not to uncover the incident. This could be measured a serious misconduct and makes his trustworthiness and moral integrity questionable. According Pakistan medical and dental council the physicians need to attempt highest level of competence and all necessary skills and knowledge, and they will be responsible for their actions (Zafar, 2006).Considering the nature of the event, it was the moral and professional obligation of the nurse to report the incidence promptly. Proper reporting system could prevent future mishaps. Nurse was right in her decision to report the incident on the basis of utilitarian theory for benefit of long number of prospective patients (Burkhardt and Nathaniel, 2008). Recommendation Healthcare providers need to be competent, skillful, and vigilant to provide efficient care to the patients. They should comply with the Hippocratic Oath and trust and expectations of the society. Sound knowledge of bioethics and Islamic ethics can make a difference and should be the part of curricula across the disciplines of healthcare. Proper policies, procedures and protocols need to be implemented and monitored for compliance at institutional, provincial and country level. The government must consider the establishment of new institutions and policy for staffing and scheduling of healthcare professional to cater the needs of growing population and minimize work overload. The proper reporting and analysis should be carried out following an incidence. Conclusion In the conclusion, malpractice on the basis of work overload could not be justified on any moral or legal grounds. Healthcare professionals should comply with the entrusted expectations of patients and society. They are expected to demonstrated optimal level of clinical and professional competencies and skills to meet challenges of the respective professions. Human life is precious and should always be respected. References Al-Shara, M. (2011). Factors contributing to medication errors in Jordan: a nursing perspective. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 16(2), 158. Barach, P., Moss, F. (2001). Delivering safe health care: safety is a patients right and the obligation of all health professionals.BMJ: British Medical Journal,323(7313), 585. Beauchamp, T. L., Childress, J. F. (2001). Principles of biomedical ethics. (5th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Burkhardt, M. Nathaniel, A. (2008). Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing (3rd ed.) Australia: Delmar Cruess, R., Cruess, S. (2014). Updating the Hippocratic Oath to include medicines social contract. Medical education, 48(1), 95-100. Exter, A. (Ed.). (2009). International Health Law and Ethics: Basic Documents. Maklu. Scheffler, R. M., Liu, J. X., Kinfu, Y., Dal Poz, M. R. (2008). Forecasting the global shortage of physicians: an economic-and needs-based approach. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86(7), 516-523B. WHO (2007).Global Health Observatory Data Repository. Retrieved from World Health Organization website: Zafar , M. H. (2006). Pakistan Medical Dental Council: Code of Ethics. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Critical Analysis of an Incident Essay -- Nursing Reflective Practice

Introduction The intention of this written essay is to demonstrate an understanding of my views on the art and science of reflection and the issues surrounding reflective practice. It is based on a significant incident from my own area of clinical practice as a state registered paramedic within the U.K. There is a discussion appraising the concept of reflection both generally, and in my particular area of practice. This is followed by an analysis of the incident using The What ? Model of Structured reflection suggested by Driscoll (2000). A rationale is given for the selection of this particular incident and also for the selection of the chosen model as a framework. It will show how the model has been used to reflect on the incident, what has been learnt, and the outcome on both current and future practice. Reflection is an active process of witnessing one’s own experience so that we can take a closer look at it. It has its foundations in the discipline of experiential learning. Dewey (1939 cited in Rolfe, Freshwater, & Jasper 2001) claimed that we learn by doing, and realising what came of what we did. â€Å"Reflective practice is something more than thoughtful practice. It is that form of practice which seeks to problematise many situations of professional performance so that they can become potential learning situations and so the practitioners can continue to learn, grow and develop in and through their practice† Jarvis P. (1992) pp174 -181. Johns, C (2000a) pg 34, describes reflection as a window through which the practitioner can view and focus self within the context of his own lived experience in ways that enable him to confront, understand and work towards resol... ...pman, C.M. (1988) Professional and Ethical Issues in Nursing: The Code of Professional Conduct: Chichester; J. Willey & Sons Ltd. Jarvis, P. (1992) Reflective practice and nursing, in Nurse Education Today, Vol 12, No.3 pp 174 - 181 Johns, C (2000a) Becoming a Reflective Practitioner; Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. Chapter 3 pg 34 Johns, C. (2000b) Becoming a Reflective Practitioner: Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. Chapter 3 pg 36 Procter, B. (1986) Supervision: a co-operative exercise in accountability: Routledge U.K. pg 23 Rolf, G., Freshwater, D. and Jasper M. (2001) Critical reflection for nursing and the helping professions: a users guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Roth, P.A. (1989) What is reflective practice? (Internet) Available from http://www/ (accessed on 21 December 2006)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Position Paper- Rene Descartes Essay

Rene Descartes was known as a modern philosopher who questioned everything unable to be proven true, a type of thinking called skepticism. He also was intrigued by reason and opinions of people and how they created the opinions from society and their surroundings. His ideas have evolved into modern philosophy all around the world. People are born with the natural sense of reason (the instinct to determine right from wrong). This natural sense is what creates opinions. No two people have the exact same opinion, because no two people reason the exact same way. The distinction between right and wrong is an opinion itself, therefore, reason is just a subject of opinion. Opinions are becoming a problem. Many people are either open minded or close minded based on society and their surroundings. Descartes’ was neither here nor there about how someone thinks, but the best lesson he learned during his life was â€Å"not to believe too firmly anything of which I had learnt merely by example. † This basically means to caution yourself from making opinions based on a set example, which implies the greatness of an open mind rather than a closed mind. Another subject of opinion is acceptance. Take the average Joe for example. He has an opinion, he accepts it, and that opinion is true, no question. But what about the other millions of people in the world who accept something different than Joe? Won’t they think Joe’s opinion is not true and he’s accepting something wrong? In the grand scheme of things, no one really knows what is true and what’s not. That’s why everyone should have an open mind and be willing to accept more than what’s in their zone of comfort or belief. Our society has a bad habit of manipulating the human mind and forcing it to believe what’s popular. This has become a controversy all over the world. Descarte would not appreciate what society has done to many of its citizens because more people than not are obsessed with their own belief and aren’t willing to think outside of the box. Everyone needs to remember what Descarte talked about in this document and create a balance of what they currently believe in and what beliefs they would like to explore.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nelson mandela Essay

in India, discriminatory attitudes towards men and women have existed for generations and affect the lives of both genders. Although the constitution of India has granted men and women equal rights, gender disparity still remains. There are limited opportunities for women in sectors which traditionally demand for men to participate, such as armed forces. Although women also have mostly off-front job opportunities within the army. There is specific research on gender discrimination mostly in favour of men over women. Due to a lack of objective research on gender discrimination against men, it is perceived that it is only women who are suffering. The research often conducted is selectively sampled, where men are left out of the picture.[1] Women are perceived to be disadvantaged at work, and conclusions are drawn that their capabilities are often underestimated. Discrimination towards Women Infancy to childhood Both women and men are important for reproduction. Sex is very important between a male and a female to ensure continuity of human species on the earth. The cultural construct of Indian society which reinforces gender bias against men and women, with varying degrees and variable contexts against the opposite sex,[3] has led to the continuation of India’s strong preference for male children. Female infanticide, a sex-selective abortion, is adopted and strongly reflects the low status of Indian women. Census 2011 shows decline of girl population (as a percentage to total population) under the age of seven, with activists estimating that eight million female fetuses may have been aborted in the past decade.[4] The 2005 census shows infant mortality figures for females and males are 61 and 56, respectively, out of 1000 live births,[5] with females more likely to be aborted than males due to biased attitudes. A decline in the sex ratio was observed with India’s 2011 census reporting that it stands at 914 females against 1,000 males, dropping from 927 in 2001 – the lowest since India’s independence.[6] The demand for sons among wealthy parents is being satisfied by the medical community through the provision of illegal service of fetal sex-determination and sex-selective abortion. The financial incentive for physicians to undertake this illegal activity seems to be far greater than the penalties associated with breaking the law.[7] Childhood to adulthood and education Education is not widely attained by Indian women. Although literacy rates are increasing, female literacy rate lags behind the male literacy rate. Literacy Rate Census of India 2001 and 2011 Comparison Literacy for females stands at 65.46%, compared to 82.14% for males.[8] An underlying factor for such low literacy rates are parents’ perceptions that education for girls are a waste of resources as their daughters would eventually live with their husbands’ families and they will not benefit directly from the education investment.[9] Adulthood and onwards Discrimination against women has contributed to gender wage differentials, with Indian women on average earning 64% of what their male counterparts earn for the same occupation and level of qualification.[10] Discrimination against women has led to their lack of autonomy and authority. Although equal rights are given to women, egality may not be well implemented. In practice, land and property rights are weakly enforced, with customary laws widely practised in rural areas. Women do not own property under their own names and usually do not have any inheritance rights to obtain a share of parental property.[1] D

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

“Let’s Talk About Sex” Documentary Essay Essays

â€Å"Let’s Talk About Sex† Documentary Essay Essays â€Å"Let’s Talk About Sex† Documentary Essay Essay â€Å"Let’s Talk About Sex† Documentary Essay Essay Essay Topic: Talk James Houston put together the docudrama â€Å"Let’s Talk About Sex† that highlights the differences between American’s attack to arouse instruction and that of other states like the Netherlands. The stereotypes. contention. and irony all related to sex is put out in the unfastened and discussed. Throughout the movie. it is obvious that America’s ways of sex instruction and attitude towards sex has created a negative intension. The Europeans have a much more unfastened attack when it comes to the treatment of sex and started sex instruction at an early age. American’s. on the other manus. have a really closed attack to arouse treatment and salvage sex instruction for later ages. This negative intension and attack to instruction has resulted in the States holding much higher rates of adolescent gestation. adolescent birth. and sexually familial infections when compared to European states. One could state that it’s clip the United States changes its attack and sentiments sing sex. gender. and the instruction behind it. Throughout the film. there was a commonalty between those who held a colored sentiment on the subject of sex. Those who believed abstention should be enforced and were against an unfastened treatment of sexual dealingss were frequently times from the older coevals. It’s the parents of teens. most instructors of sex instruction. and even people within the churches that held a prejudice. They believed that teens should non be involved in sexual activities and that it should be saved for matrimony. Along with that. they stood behind the thought that the teens should non be educated about sex until later in high school and the unfastened treatment of sex and gender was non proper. Kelsey’s female parent was one of these biased people. She was strongly against the thought of Kelsey taking portion in sexual activities until she got married and did do it easy for Kelsey to openly pass on with her about her sexual dealingss. For those teens that do take portion in sexual activities. they are looked down upon in the greater part of American civilization because of the negative intensions that have been established here in the United States. With these prejudices. it has put sex into a negative class non merely for the minority. being the teens. but most Americans in general. In America. sex is non something people openly talk about nor is it something that teens are â€Å"suppose† to take portion in. The thought of teens taking portion in sexual dealingss prior to matrimony is greatly frowned upon and the stigma of transporting a rubber has scared them off from it. An illustration of this. which was shared in the film. is that in the Netherlands. transporting a rubber get downing in their teens is really common and bucked up. Where as in the provinces. if a adolescent were to be caught with a rubber. others would see that as a mark of person who is really promiscuous. In the film. females thought males who carried rubbers wanted nil but sex from a miss while males thought that adult females who carried rubbers were easy and considered slatterns. This negative impact in the States has generated these stereotypes environing sex. The effects of these stereotypes have negative results. For illustration. if a cat is afraid to transport a rubber because of the stereotype and when it comes clip for him to take portion in sexual activities. he won’t be decently prepared. Without the protection. he is at hazard for STIs and possibility of gestation in misss. This is besides true frailty versa with misss ; they excessively should transport rubbers. but are afraid due to the negative association. There is besides a negative thought behind the treatment of sex in an unfastened scene. Most parents in the US are afraid to speak about sex with their teens sharing both their sexual lives and discoursing their teens. Because the parents are non unfastened to it. the teens are afraid to near their parents with sex related inquiries or state them they have taken portion in sexual activities. Because of this. many teens go with out proper direction and right information in respects to sexual activities. Where as if the parents were more unfastened and accepting of the thought of their teens taking portion in sexual activities. it would open an avenue for better cognition and possibly even assist prevent STIs. gestations. and other sex related issues. The minority group in â€Å"Let’s Talk About Sex† stood as US teens. These teens faced the favoritism of senior groups and negative stereotypes. but throughout the class of the film. it showed how things are easy altering. Several people who are frequently viewed as community leaders are working to decently educate teens. An illustration was sublime Williams. who created an unfastened country to discourse sex related things and offer proper instruction. Some instructors besides voiced their sentiment on how they believe sex erectile dysfunction. should be more about sexual dealingss and non about human anatomy. They besides believe the instruction should get down at younger ages when childs are traveling through pubescence and developing sexually developing. This is one manner these teens are acquiring the upper manus on favoritism. Another is that opening the thought of household treatments about sex and the thought of teens being involved in sexual dealingss. Interrupting the premise that abstention is the lone reply and opening the door to treatment. utilizing the Netherlands as an illustration. By the terminal of the film. Kelsey. whose female parent originally frowned upon sex before matrimony. was able to alter her female parents mind and even speak about her sexual dealingss. These are merely a twosome of the ways the teens easy made alteration. there is still a batch more to be talked about and changed. When reflecting back. I excessively can associate to the US teens in the docudrama. I have noticed the closed door in footings of the treatment of sex and human gender every bit good as the stigmas associated with teens’ engagement in sexual activities. I do believe there is something to be said about the Netherlands attack to human gender and sex. particularly when looking at the figure of adolescent gestations and transmittal of STIs compared to the much larger figure in the US. We. as the United States. could profit from a alteration in the ambiance environing adolescent sex. and sex in general. Sexual activity is a natural thing.

Monday, October 21, 2019

College Term Paper Topics

College Term Paper Topics College Term Paper Topics The modern system of education is getting broader every day expanding the stores of study information gathered as important knowledge and at the same time closing up as a mouse trap for the student, that desiring to learn, get tight deadlines and great load of homework. Among all of those study troubles homework is the most problematic assignment. First of all, unlike the work which you are to do at class, at home you are cut off the group study process and have to do it on your own. Moreover, there is no professor around to give you a helping hand. Homework is mostly assigned in form of written works which makes it even harder. Not only you have to know the material from the class but you are also supposed to put it on the college term paper with a fluent language to make your assignment readable. This can be all done at a more or less corresponding level since it all comes with experience and practice. Term papers are the most unfavored written assignments for students. Not because they are hard to write or can have different format, its just that it at times becomes very challenging to get a college term paper topic. Imagine that you are writing a college term paper as well as the other hundreds of students at your college. To make this assignment grade winning you have to find a delicious topic for it. Nevertheless, how can it be exclusive and appealing to the reader if the rest of the students are thinking about that, too. You dont get much space to move the thoughts around. Considering that selection of the topic is the most important in the writing of the college term paper it is sometimes better to get help from your professor, classmate, academic sources or professional online writing help. If you need custom college term papers, you can order them from our college paper writing service.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

An Overview of MHRA Referencing

An Overview of MHRA Referencing An Overview of MHRA Referencing If you’re studying in the humanities, you may be asked to use MHRA referencing at some point. But what exactly is the MHRA system? And how does it work? Let us explain. What Is MHRA Referencing? The Modern Humanities Research Association is a UK-based organization that promotes study of the humanities, particularly literature and languages. It is best known for producing the MHRA Style Guide: A Handbook for Authors, Editors, and Writers of Theses. MHRA referencing, meanwhile, is the citation system set out within this guide. You can download [PDF] the third edition of the MHRA Style Guide for free if you want a full explanation. But since it is quite a big book, we’ll summarize the important points here. Citing Sources When people refer to MHRA referencing, they usually mean the footnote and bibliography version. This is where sources are cited in footnotes, indicated with superscript numbers in the text: These numbers usually appear at the end of a sentence, like this.1 The first time you cite a source, include full publication information. For a book, for instance, this means giving the following details: n. Author Name(s), Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page number(s). Repeat citations of the same source can then be shortened to save space. The MHRA style guide recommends using the â€Å"shortest intelligible form† for this, usually just the author’s surname and a pinpoint citation. Make sure to check whether your university has other rules, though. There is also an author–date version of MHRA referencing, but this is much less common. The Bibliography In MHRA referencing, you should list all cited sources in a bibliography at the end of your document. However, for a bibliography entry you should: Invert the first listed author’s surname and forename. Leave out pinpoint citations and final punctuation. You would format a book like this, for example: Surname, First Name, Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year) More generally, you should set out the bibliography as follows: List sources alphabetically by author surname. List anonymous works by title (ignoring articles for alphabetical order). If citing more than one work by the same author, sort them by title. You would then use two em dashes in place of the author’s name(s) for each entry after the first. Use italics for titles of longer works (e.g., books). Use inverted commas for shorter works (e.g., journal articles). You can abbreviate the titles of frequently cited journals. However, you must also give the full titles in a list of abbreviations earlier in your work. If you follow these rules, making sure everything is consistent, you should end up with a perfectly formatted MHRA bibliography. But if you want to be extra sure everything is in order, don’t forget to have your work checked by one of Proofed’s expert proofreaders.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How should a person be Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How should a person be - Essay Example Many religions teach the followers that god is present everywhere that’s what omnipotent means. Among the different religions there are many meanings of the word omnipotent, for some it means that god can do anything for anyone who leads the right life, life which is free from sins. This also means that if god says something will happen it will happen. God will make sure that it happens because ever step taken by god is right and every step has logic behind it. This can be better understood with the help of an example, in Christianity if a person lives a holy life or for that matter in any other religion if a person lives a holy life he/she is entitled to eternal life and god will grant it if the person really deserves it. â€Å"There is nothing that God cannot do except that which goes against His nature. God alone has the power to conquer sin and death. He even created Satan who disobeyed and fell; therefore, He has power over him. He promised to give us the power to overco me him that is in the world.† (God is Omnipotent). If there is god then there has to something negative because where is positive there has to be a negative to counter the positive. That position is occupied by the Saturn and the Saturn tempts the people to do wrong things in other words the Saturn is the evil which makes sure that people do not follow the path of god. The temptation of the Saturn is very difficult to resist and most people fall to that temptation and ignore the path of god. This leads to chaos in the world. All the undesirable activities like suicide bombings, murders, theft etc are done by people who get tempted by the Saturn. When the evil tempts people it makes sure that people forget everything which is good and they incline towards the evil completely. Disagreement If God does exist then why are women getting raped in all corners of the world? If God does exist then why are innocent people being killed all across the globe? These are questions that are e xtremely hard to answer and this also to some extent prove that God does not exist. There are gun and knife crimes all across the world, if God has power then why is God not intervening? This is again very debatable, those who believe in God would say that human beings have spoiled the society, can Jesus Christ come time and again and save the world? These activities have been going on for too long now and it is time for human beings to realize that they have caused damage beyond repair. It is time to repair that damage by stopping criminals from committing crimes and by punishing the criminals who have been repeat offenders, this is the need of the hour and it needs to be done right away otherwise it all looks doom and gloom. The crime rate has crossed every limit in the world, there are criminals roaming freely and attempting to commit even more crimes, why is God not able to stop these criminals? These are very debatable questions. A superpower in God must be able to stop this me nace but this has hardly happened, God needs to play a more active role when it comes to making the world a better place to live in otherwise more and more people will become atheists and will start denying the existence of God. The temptation of evil can be overcome by following the right path of god. But the case becomes very complicated because

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business A formal report Law on Pollution Accounting Essay

Business A formal report Law on Pollution Accounting - Essay Example *GEO Year Book 2006. United Nations Environmental Programme. 16 Apr.2006. **Poverty Resource. World Resources Institute. 16 Apr.2006. Our minimal awareness and response have produced a number of treaties, protocols, laws and monitoring agencies. But why then the Ozone hole is expanding Why Global-Warming is increasing Why species are, increasingly, afflicted by pollution in it's various forms Let us blame it on business houses and governments. Nature, in it's myriad forms, is exploited ruthlessly for 'materialistic economic benefits'. Society is the ultimate sufferer. How to stop the further decline and start our response more effective and pronounced The answer lies in "Pollution Accounting". This is the way we should make the business houses and government agencies absolutely transparent, responsible and answerable to the common man of the society, in the matters of environment and pollution. 'Pollution Accounting' is as good as financial accounting. It reflects the activities of business in relation to environment and pollution. It records, also, the role of government and it's agencies. The 'Pollution Accounting' reflects 'liabilities' and 'assets', as how a financial accounting does. 'The liabilities' must record how the business activities degraded and polluted the environment. What are all the negative impacts on the society should also be recorded under liabilities. Any legal case, pending or over, in relation to pollution and any ongoing investigation, by government agencies, related to environmental degradation should also be recorded. The data must be provided in 'real' terms and in monetary terms also. 'The assets', in 'Pollution Accounting", must include the internal and external...This is the way we should make the business houses and government agencies absolutely transparent, responsible and answerable to the common man of the society, in the matters of environment and pollution. 'Pollution Accounting' is as good as financial accounting. It reflects the activities of business in relation to environment and pollution. It records, also, the role of government and it's agencies. should also be recorded under liabilities. Any legal case, pending or over, in relation to pollution and any ongoing investigation, by government agencies, related to environmental degradation should also be recorded. The data must be provided 'The assets', in 'Pollution Accounting", must include the internal and external activities of the business aimed at improving the environment and curtailing the pollution. It must reflect the tangible and intangible benefits of the pollution control activities. The asset side should also include any proposal, to be taken up by the business, to improve the environment. The data must be provided in 'real' as well as in monetary terms.

Isadora Duncan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Isadora Duncan - Research Paper Example Even St. Denis and Shawn were under the influence of Isadora in the use of Greek themes and symphonic music. They recognized that they tried to synchronize orchestra and chorus because Isadora did not try to do that. If she was not born on May 26, 1878, in San- Francisco, but somewhere in ancient Hellas, the priests would probably perceive her gift as an earthly incarnation of the muse Terpsichore. Live she not in agitated Europe at the beginning of the bloody XX century, today’s feminists would probably make her their tribune and role model. She was a real enigma. All her biographers were perplexed by a huge amount of mystical details, concentration of which in a life of a fictional literary protagonist could be the cause for critics to accuse a writer of propaganda of fatalism and artificiality of the plot. Are you the empty vessel or a fire flickering in the vessel? It was not said about her, but once a bright spark of divine fire illuminated her way in art, making famous A merican Isadora Duncan from a beginning ballerina. The fire that lit her way consumed her one day. On that day in May, when Isadora Angela Duncan was born, the mother of the future European star suffered two disappointments: the first sounds she heard recovering from childbirth were vehement cries of depositors of her husband’ bank. Joseph ran away with their savings God knows where. The first thing that the unhappy woman saw was her newborn daughter threshing air almost convulsively. â€Å"I knew that a monster is born, - she said to a midwife. The child can not be normal, she jumped and hopped in my womb and all this is the punishment for the sins of her villain father Joseph ...† She did not see dancing future and destiny in the first movements of the baby. However, despite the complete absence of the gift of foresight, she was able to bring up her daughter and three older children without any help of their phony dad and even gave them good education. Those efforts were not appreciated by little Isadora: being 13 years old, she left school and got addicted to music and dancing. Her first attempt to conquer Chicago ended with a complete failure, except for the first whirlwind romance with a fiery redhead seducer - Ivan Miroski, who burned her soul to such an extent that Isadora preferred to run away from the bitter happiness to Europe in a hold for transportation of livestock. Her perspective was uncertain. On the other side of the Channel her main rival, Mata Hari, was at the zenith of fame at that time. She has already found her creed in dance, undressing in front of the audience, mesmerizing it with Eastern pa. She was lucky enough to find a patroness in the person of the famous actress Campbell. Isadora spread her passion defending the idea that a dance should be a symbol of freedom, progress of natural grace, language of emotion, not a set of rehearsed gestures. Campbell, the queen of London salons, arranged her protege’s debut at a private reception, where presented her as an â€Å"exotic hors-d'oeuvre.† And that was the right decision - bold Isadora, dancing barefoot in a tunic, instead of a pack, copying much of ancient Greek plastic, saw delight in spectators’

Leadership in context 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership in context 1 - Essay Example Many incidents occur in management because of the misconception which arises between leaders in the organization where by they should understand that management is doing things right while leadership is dong the right things. Leadership is very interesting because it does not only have a concern with the management task, but it also explores sociological nature of mankind. Critical Analysis According to Burnes (2009) critical analysis of communication approaches applied in organizational change affects the implementation of organizational in the modern society. This is because the approach involved in change evaluates results to less attention. Change in leadership has always been a characteristic in organizational life though many of the people urge that frequency and magnitude are greater than ever before. Today businesses face an increased challenge of funds in competition in the markets for their inputs. According to Lewis (2011) organization must take in to consideration the dri ving forces and restraining forces for change whereby the driving forces must exceed the restraining forces. Regardless of the challenges and dynamics, the business environment organization must adopt their ethical behaviors and practices in real life time and external conditions. Basing argument with Conant and Ashby philosophy in implementation theory outlines that the research agenda in organizational changes towards contingency includes observing an organizational change initiative by using a different process of models. Again it focuses on identifying and diagnosing how and when to respond to break down changes in an organization. Therefore, ones model to fit in an organization results to strategic questioning in the research agenda by comparing the advantages of organizational model fitness (Wagner 2012). According to Burnes (2004), change has always been a characteristic of organizational life, although many argue that frequency and magnitude of change is now greater than eve r before. The implication of this statement with respect to contemporary understanding of the change process is that, management makes the system of the people and technology flow in a systematic way in day to day life thus making the organization technology to run effectively and efficiently. Basically, according to today’s life, change in leadership is much more in relation to putting more effort in order to change the whole process of management in the organization thus making it move faster and more efficiently (Burnes 2009). Change leadership is more about the people, and their decision making plans according to vision and mission in their project activities. Change in leadership has potential of controlling things in an organization; for example, in today’s world, the talks are always on the side of change in management hence the world does not do much about change in leadership since it is associated with the ways on how to make things move in an orderly manner. It maybe hindered by some the challenges, but the fact is that there is nobody who is perfect in doing the right thing, so it is obviously a big deal in most of the organizations. The goal is often set to minimize the distractions and the impact of change which concerns’ with the driving forces and visions in the organization. Models of Planned Change The models have been highly

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Answer the following questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Answer the following questions - Essay Example An individual’s opportunity to be a private pilot is no doubt rewarding and at the same time very meaningful. Aeronautic engineers have a huge blessing possessing critical education and experience in air control operations. Hence, certain requirements are implemented by the federal government. The first and foremost is possessing a â€Å"private pilot certificate,† which is critical for aeronautics and traffic control. As the resume indicates, The impressive element about the resume is the fact that this individual possesses experience in the Air Manifest system, which is crucial in this job. Moreover, this individual has experience documenting, which can be used for auditing purposes. Undoubtedly, it takes a special person to be an inflight crewmember and an ambassador of the JetBlue brand.  Lastly, the cargo screening is a crucial component towards the individual’s experience. I would like the individual to have more experience in systems. Since most positions are dominated by information systems, it would be crucial if the individual possesses some background programming. Moreover, the individual should have more education and exposure in customs. As a aeronautics engineer, tourist VISA is extremely essential along with FMM, which is a visitor permit that is provided by the airline. In addition, a customs declaration form is vital. Clearing immigration upon arrival is highly suggested for foreign pilots since clerks do check these documents. For further approval, the FMM permit gets stamped by the airport officials. My shinning moment in customer service was when the system crashed and I had to figure out the flight schedule using â€Å"paper and pen.† It was one of the most difficult aspects to overcome since the flight database is crucial towards customer service. Thanks to my quick troubleshooting method and organizational leadership skills,

Situational Analysis and Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Situational Analysis and Discussion - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to the company culture that was evidenced, the shareholder could have expressed a greater degree of tact and appreciation for the means by which Mr Majid understood his role within the organization and carefully guarded over any and all sectors he had purview over (Meyer 1998). Although Mr Majid’s response to the new employee’s job function and tactics was overstated and outright narrow-minded, the fact of the matter was that Mr Majid was still a more senior shareholder at the firm and as such commanded a modicum of deference with regards to the means by which the new employee sought to present the changes he had been tasked with to him. Secondly, and perhaps just as important, the student could have utilized the data in a more effective manner. As a function of the study that was being undertaken and the level of valuable customer service data that was being gleaned by the student and his six employees, management could have been effectively brief ed with this information and possibly convinced of its overall importance with respect to increasing profitability within the firm. Instead, the shareholder became somewhat, reasonably, combative with regards to the way in which Mr Majid felt regarding the ongoing efforts in which the student was engaged. Instead, the situation rapidly escalated with Mr Masjid coming to the conclusion that the student was of little value in his current role and the student coming to the conclusion that Mr Masjid, although having worked at the firm for a number of years... Masjid, although having worked at the firm for a number of years understood little with regards to how proper management should be effected. Finally, the reader can come away with an understanding of how proper protocol was followed on the part of the student with relation to how he ultimately went to the Human Resources director as a means of seeking to mediate the ongoing dispute between himself and Mr. Masjid. Although it is tempting in many situations to escalate on one’s own terms, knowing when to turn aside and seek to expert counsel of a third party that can hope to mediate the crisis is an invaluable skill that usually takes people many years to develop. However, as the case proved, once the initial run-in with Mr. Masjid occurred, the student was quick to seek out the expert guidance and counsel of the Human Resources director in an effort to ameliorate the situation (Sharpe, 2012). Consulting Questions and Recommendations: In order to provide some useful prioritizati ons to the student with regards to what a good course of action could have been to pursue within the given situation which has been defined, it is the belief of this reviewer that such a level of recommended actions can be summed up in the following: providing metricized understandings of the scope and benefits of the project to Mr. Masjid and fellow management rather than coming to a disagreement over the value of the work performed, the shareholder could have integrated with Mr. Masjid in a more respectful manner, and/or the shareholder could have sought to make it apparent that he was operating on the express wishes of the manager that had gone on vacation. Although the situation may not have turned

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Answer the following questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Answer the following questions - Essay Example An individual’s opportunity to be a private pilot is no doubt rewarding and at the same time very meaningful. Aeronautic engineers have a huge blessing possessing critical education and experience in air control operations. Hence, certain requirements are implemented by the federal government. The first and foremost is possessing a â€Å"private pilot certificate,† which is critical for aeronautics and traffic control. As the resume indicates, The impressive element about the resume is the fact that this individual possesses experience in the Air Manifest system, which is crucial in this job. Moreover, this individual has experience documenting, which can be used for auditing purposes. Undoubtedly, it takes a special person to be an inflight crewmember and an ambassador of the JetBlue brand.  Lastly, the cargo screening is a crucial component towards the individual’s experience. I would like the individual to have more experience in systems. Since most positions are dominated by information systems, it would be crucial if the individual possesses some background programming. Moreover, the individual should have more education and exposure in customs. As a aeronautics engineer, tourist VISA is extremely essential along with FMM, which is a visitor permit that is provided by the airline. In addition, a customs declaration form is vital. Clearing immigration upon arrival is highly suggested for foreign pilots since clerks do check these documents. For further approval, the FMM permit gets stamped by the airport officials. My shinning moment in customer service was when the system crashed and I had to figure out the flight schedule using â€Å"paper and pen.† It was one of the most difficult aspects to overcome since the flight database is crucial towards customer service. Thanks to my quick troubleshooting method and organizational leadership skills,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

FMC Aberdeen Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FMC Aberdeen Organizational Behavior - Essay Example The major issue in the structure of Green River hampering growth and affecting profitability is its authoritative management, bureaucratic culture and non-sharing of information, views and needs of the company by the employees between themselves and the management. But there is a system of hierarchy, which makes the views and ideas to produce a chain reaction, but the speed with which the reaction was occurring was not enough for the growth of the company. Hence an effective communication enabling system of structure and culture should be adopted by the management to make green river stand on the lines of Aberdeen. The crucial success factors are enthusiasm, emotional attachment with the company's growth prospects, career enhancement opportunities and performance based incentive appraisal system of and for the employees. First the employees must be assembled into groups and teams which make communication between different departments possible. This is necessary because when the finance department is ignorant of R&D's needs, it will be a suicidal aspect for the company in the long term, for the hampering in R&D work will effect the company's efficiency negatively. Similarly when purchase department is havin... This can be made possible making teams with employees from different departments and directly reporting to the Managers about the changes and needs of and in the company. These implementations will affect the profitability, ability and efficiency of the company positively provided they work in an environment that is conducive. The personal prejudices should not influence the appraisal process. The appraisal process may regard to the needs of R&D, purchase, and marketing. When the needs of customers and clients were not genuinely communicated to R&D wing - it never matters how high the personnel of that department may excel the company will never be able to deliver according to the needs of its customers. When the purchase department does not communicate with other departments the needs and necessities of those are not addressed properly and it in turn hampers the performance of employees and profitability of the Company. When the employees playing crucial role in the marketing department are more interested in technical matters the marketing done by the company will be just an artifact but never delivers. But in the Green River the teams and groups, which are a symbolic representation of modern corporate culture, which reduces the authoritativeness by improving conduciveness, responsibility and accountability, cannot be implemented overnight. The causes may be many. The ignorance and reluctance of employees and management to the new system, the employees placed in wrong places with regard of their interests, the absence of performance appraisal system which can make employee too mechanical regarding his work. These problems should be addressed in a phased manner. As a first step management

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Art on Fashion

Impact of Art on Fashion Fashion and art are two disciplines that revolve around the same sphere, which is creativity. The two worlds share a bridge that links the two together. Art in its own aspect has followed humanity through its times and the world of fashion has also been synonymous to it. The two mediums share a close relationship. Fashion has its deep roots set in self expressionism, a means to show the world our personality by way of body adornment and clothing. Art as well tends to articulate the thoughts of the artist across to the spectator, by the colours that have been used to the mood that the artwork brings about. These elements could say a lot about the artist and his personality, just as much as a dark makeup and ripped jeans could say in context to self expressionism in fashion. The dissertation is a study on the influence on art on fashion and how fashion impacts art. It generates from the Period of Rococo, all the way into the modern world, and showcases the significance of art and fashion in the development and harmonious existence of the two subjects. Research Approach Research is defined by Saunders as: the systematic collection and interpretation of information with a clear purpose, to find things out. (Saunders, Lewis, Thornhill, 2003). It is with this theory in mind that I approach my study. Research Methodology In order to tackle the objective I have of how art influences fashion, I will use both Primary and secondary data. Primary Data Is the data which is collected by the researcher himself, by means of observations, interviews and surveys. It is data which has not been published. I will formulate the primary data by way of interviews conducted with artists and fashion designers as well as current fashion design students. Secondary Data Is data that has already been published and already exists in literary sources. They can be in the form of Books, Journals, Public Records, documentaries etc. Secondary data will be gathered by means of books written on fashion and art and design. News paper archives, scholarly journals and magazines will also be sourced. Web pages and blogs discussing art and fashion will also be consulted. Literature Review Art and its influence on fashion, has a very broad spectrum. Art in its own aspect can vary from fine arts to performing arts, from paintings and sculptures to Broadway musicals. When you consider fashion it can deal with an innumerable amount of things, varying from clothing to footwear and jewellery to beauty, hair and makeup. In order to make this study more feasible I limited my scope to Paintings and Womens clothing. I will survey the most relevant and significant literature in relation to my topic. When conducting my literature review I considered literary sources pertaining to the fundamentals of art and fashion. I looked into the history of the two subjects by way of published books and museum explorations. I also looked into books published on how art influences fashion and fashions impact on art. My literary investigation also explores the online world. I used search engines with terms such as Art and fashion and art movements for instance Op-Art and Art deco to generate articles written on the subjects. I went through online archives of news papers and online journals to find any articles written on either fashion or art. Fashion depicted in Paintings The links between art and fashion go back at least to the Renaissance (Boucher, 1988, p. 191). Italian artists during the renaissance period were highly influenced by fashion. Artists of the stature of Jacopo Bellini, Antonio del Pollaiuolo and above all Antonio Pisanello, were not only depicting fashions in their paintings, but also creating costume models and designing textile patterns and embroidery. (Mackrell, Art and Fashion, 2005, p. 5) The 16th Century brought about a new era in world of fashion and art, Alice Macrell states in her book that: The 16th century was the great age of travel and exploration, with a quest for knowledge that included the costume and customs of other nations. This had tremendous results for fashion, as the first printed costume books appeared in the second half of the century, heralding a new visual source (Mackrell, 1997, pp. 14-17) Fashion and art continued in unity from the 16th century to the 17th Century. The interaction of art and fashion continued apace in the 17th century. In France the artists more closely associated with fashion engraving during the reign o King Louis XIII (1610-43) were Jacques Callot, Jean de Saint-Igny and Abraham Bosse. Callots most illuminating, illustrations of fashion were his twelve etchings in the series La Noblesse de Lorraine (1624) in which he observed most perceptively the fashionable dress of dames and seigneurs of his native region. (Gaudriault, 1988, p. 8 and 29) Artists in Europe during the 17th century were finding inspiration in clothing. The Flemish Baroque artist known as Rubens was producing costume studies for his subject paintings and portraits. He then compiled a vast compilation of drawings known as the Costume Book. Anthony van Dyke was Rubens assistant. He was the son of a cloth and silk merchant and was known for his sumptuous costume Van Dyke must have acutely been aware o the power of dress. (Gordenker, 2001, p. 3) The bohemian artist Wenceslaus Hollar worked in England as an Etcher, engraver and illustrator. He engaged in costume studies specializing in womens Fashions. His best known series of womens costumes is the four seasons. The British Museum which holds one of the four etchings of the Seasons says; Hollars virtuosity as an etcher is apparent from the variety of fabric and furs, he captures in the womans garments. (Winter an Etching, Figures 1 2 below show the full length etching of summer and winter sketched by Wenceslaus Hollar. Alice Mackrell in her book Art and Fashion (2005) gives her view on Paintings held at Museums. Figure 3 below shows the Painting of Madame de Pompadour by Franà §oise-Hubert Drouais. Descending the long staircase in the Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery, London, into the lower galleries that housed the exhibition Madame de Pompadour: Images of a Mistress, ones attention showed straight ahead her ravishing portrait painted by Franà §oise-Hubert Drouais [Refer Figure 3 for the painting] Madame de Pompadour seated in her boudoir at her tambour frame, engaged in embroidery work yet surrounded by her books and a portfolio of engravings reminding the viewer of her intellectual and artistic achievements, wears a gown of naturalistic light green leaves and salmon pink flowers, trimmed at the elbows with three rows of large four striking bows of matching striped silk at her elbows with three rows of large engagà ©antes (cuffs with two or three ruffles) made of fine French needle lace. This garment epitomizes the Rococo taste serpentine curves, three-dimensional ornamentation and clear, delicate colours. (Mackrell, Art and Fashion, 2005) Franà §oise-Hubert Drouais, Madame de Pompadour at her Tambour Frame The colours on her dress characterize the Rococo taste Another one of the great artists who represented womens fashions in his paintings is Thomas Gainsborough, Mackrell yet again states: The English artist whose work most conjures up fashionable ladies in their silks and gauzes indeed whose portraiture not only captured a living likeness, but also epitomized the English elegance of Rococo fashion, is Thomas Gainsborough. He was very much aware of Rococo art and fashion. (ibid, p.8). The Rococo movement was followed by the Neo-Classical movement. Neo-Classicism was all that the Rococo period was not about. Artist Joseph Marie Vien belonged to this era. Contemporaries looked to Vien to Inspire women to abandon their Rococo capriciousness for classical simplicity. Neo classicism became the dominant movement in the fine and decorative arts, architecture and fashion in Europe from the late 18th century, as knowledge grew ever more widespread about the archaeological discoveries extending from southern Italy to Egypt and the Near East. (ibid. pp. 33 and 35) The literary movement of Romanticism followed Neo-Classicism. Romanticism was the cult of personality. The celebration of individual character and social status took on a fresh aspect in the form of a new kind of fashionable society portraiture. The Romantic sense of mission had a powerful influence on artists in exploring the self. (Mackrell, Art and Fashion, 2005, p. 46) Romanticism was a new movement, but it did not completely break away from the trends that were evident during the Neo-Classical era. Romantics frequently sought to make classicism a living experience rather than a dead ideal, and aspects of Neo-classicism a living experience rather than a dead ideal, and aspects of Neo-classicismhave been seen as a hybrid version of Romantic classicism. (Baudelaire, 1992, p. 53) Aestheticism then followed the Period of Romanticism. An artist during this period of time who incorporated fashion in his art was an American painter by the name of James Abbott McNeill Whistler. The book Art and Fashion (2005) asserts: Whistler was someone who assimilated the fashions of his time as an integral component of his art, such as the craze for everything Japanese that was sweeping Paris and LondonHe appreciated beauty and styling women, and concentrated on them in his portraiture, painting images of beauty that could be appreciated on their aesthetic merit alone. (Mackrell, 2005, pp. 84 and 85) The beauty of aestheticism was followed by Realism. Artists tried to depict a sense of reality through their paintings. Charles Pierre Baudelaire was a French critic during this period. He identified the concepts of realism as: Romantic individualism, with an art that reflected its own epoch and, in its demands or a modern style Realism continued the aims of the Romantics (Rubin, 1980, p. 49) Édouard Manet, was a friend of Baudelaire and a painter. For Manet dress represented the outward aspect of modern life, that transient envelope that both veils and reveals its unchanging essence. (Mauner, 2000). According to The French taste for Spanish painting: Manet admired and sought to emulate, in order to better depict the realities of life, including fashion. (Tinterow Lacambre, 2003, p. 51) Impressionism was then followed after Realism, Following the lead of Manet, they shared a commitment of vision, in which their depiction of dress was a salient sign of their determination to be modern. (Mackrell, Art and Fashion, 2005) Impressionists linked contemporary life with fashion in their works of art. According to R L Herbert: Fashion and art shared certain featuresand for the Impressionists there was an underlying association of contemporary life with fashion. (Herbert, 1988, p. 198) At the end of the 19th Century, new appeared to be the high thrill word. Articles in newspapers and magazines referred to the new woman, the new fiction the new journalism and the new art, the key date for the new art was 1884, this was founded in Belgium and the term Art Nouveau was coined by supporters of this avant-garde group. (Mackrell, Art and Fashion, 2005) According to the Victoria and Albert Museum: Art Nouveau was the first concerted attempt to create a modern international style based on decoration. (Greenhalg, 2000) On the chapter of Art Nouveau and Art Deco Mackrell affirms the meaning of Art Nouveau: Art Nouveau was an essentially urban creation of sophisticated artists and designers, and reflected a diversity of trends. The natural world was the single most important source. Nature was widely used to achieve a modern look, so much so, that in Art Nouveau circles, nature and modernity cam to mean almost the same thing. (Mackrell, Art and Fashion, 2005, p. 112) Paul Poiret was a couturier who emerged during the early years of the 20th century, Poiret marked the beginning of a new era, not only in fashion but in illustration too, heralding the birth of the style which is known today as Art Deco. (Robinson, 1976, p. 38) Poiret was also known for his knack of linking the fashion world with art. Having an affinity with painters he [Poiret] was the first couturier to relate fashion successfully to the arts. (ibid. p. 116) Sonia Delaunay was a painter designer and printmaker during the 1920s. She was an advocate of Orphism. Sonia Delaunay made a significant impact on how art and fashion could overlap and influence each other. (ibid. p. 130) The early 1920s brought about the Surrealist movement. The term surrealism was coined in 1917 by the French prose writer, poet and art critic Guillaume Apollinaire. Surrealists gave positive expression to their views. They reacted with a review of values at every level of society, inspired by psychoanalytical theories of Sigmund Freud. (ibid. p. 135) Surrealism touched fashion in a way that no previous art movements had. Fashion and its instruments were at the heart of the Surrealist metaphor, touching on the imagery of woman and the correlation between the world of real objects and the life of objects in mind. (Martin, 1990) Two Fashion designers who were greatly influenced by surrealism arts was Elsa Schiaparelli and Coco Chanel. They found a new and exciting canvas on which to articulate their ideas, by translating Surrealist art into clothing. Surrealism was the leading and most controversial movement in literature and the arts between the two World Wars. (Mackrell, Art and Fashion, 2005, p. 135) Salvador Dali was known as the father of Surrealism. He and Elsa Schiaparelli forged together to make a new avenue in fashion. Dali and Schiaparelli also collaborated on two of the most iconic dresses of the 1930s, the organza dress with painted lobster was one of them (ibid. p.144) Figure 4 5. The literature review I conducted shows that there is an existance between fashion and art. It concludes that artists and painters alike have been influenced by the fashion world. Fashion designers have also been inspired by the works of artists and their paintings. The literature review is only subjected to paintings and womens wear clothing. It does not explore other works of art like sculptures. When it comes to the world of fashion, the review only deals with aspects of clothing and has not explored the influece that art might have on different articles of fashion, such as foowear and jewellery. The Influence of Art on Fashion The two worlds of art and fashion go a long way into history, almost as far as the Renaissance. Art in its own aspect has followed humanity through its times. The world of fashion has also been synonymous to it. A web article on the rise of Social conscience in art inspired fashion acknowledges that Art can be a means of reconstructing experiences, communicating emotions or echoing sentiments of individuals or the masses. (The Rise of Social Conscience in Art Inspired Fashion) Fashion too shares a place in evoking emotions and making statements. In these aspects it is obvious that Art and Fashion share many common links. The article also states that The desire to express the need for a higher social conscience is driving the union between revolutionary art and clothing. (ibid) Since it is now clear that there are links between Art and Fashion, I would like to first look at these two subjects individually. Art Art plays a major role in peoples lives. It helps us be creative and gives us a platform to express ourselves. It is a big part of our lives that sometimes we stop to acknowledge the part it plays. Just think about the house you live in the jewellery you adorn, the cover of a novel, these are all a part of art. Two currents of thought run through our ideas about art. In one, first considered by Aristotle (384 BC.), Art is concerned as mimesis (imitation), the representation of appearances, and gives us pleasure through the accuracy and skill with which it represents the real world. The other view derived from the Greek philosopher Plato (427 BC.), holds that the artist is inspired by the Muses, or by God or the inner impulses, or by the collective unconscious)to express that which is beyond appearances, inner feelings, eternal truths or the essence of the age. (Definition of Art, Hutchinson Encyclopedia) The two philosophers Aristotle and Plato have defined art as Representational and Non Representational art. Non Representational art is more commonly referred to as Abstract art. Representational art is a style of realistic painting which depicts recognisable objects or figures. Whereas abstract art has no clear images and dont form a clear identity, and must be interpreted by the observer of the artwork. Examples of representational art include still life, portraits and landscapes to name a few. Non representational art came about during the modern world at the beginning of the 20th Century. The Abstract movement was formed and Piet Mondrian and Mark Rothkos were works of art which to the beholder had no objective meaning, unless scrutinized. Like most subjects art too has fundamentals that it uses. Such as line, shape, form, space, texture and colour. Artists manipulate these elements, mix them in with principles of design and compose a piece of art. (Mitler Ragans, 1992). The elements of art serve as a base, on which the artist can build their forte on. An artist cannot create art without making the use of at least one or more of these elements. Art is also governed by its own principles. These principles help govern how artists organise the visual elements by giving them guide lines. The principles of art include balance, variety, harmony, emphasis, proportion, movement and rhythm. (Mitler Ragans, 1992) There are many products that we can classify as art. It solely depends on the individual. What I call art may not fall into the context of art for you. It is subjective, and is open to many interpretations. There is no definite limit to what can or cannot be called art; in the end it is up to the audience. Art communicates with people across different cultures. It ranges from sculpture to painting to Shakespeare novels and Mozarts Classic compositions to Todays graphically improvised Anime cartoons and play station games. These are all the work of master craftsmen in their own accord. In other words they would simply be called Artists and what they create would be classified as works of art. The musician Frank Zappa believed that Anything can be music but it doesnt become music until someone wills it to be music, and the audience listening to it decides to perceive it as music. Most people cant deal with that abstraction, or dont want to (Definition Of Art, 2005) I want to go into the depths of Paintings and how it influences us and Fashion. My main focus will be on Paintings from the New Modern Age. Paintings have been in existence since the pre historic times. It is a continuous form of creativity which flows throughout history and culture and into todays world. Paintings in history have had its influence mainly on the existing culture of its time. Like African, Indian, Japanese and Islamic art all have a strong link to its culture. Since the religion of Islam prohibits the remaking of any form of a living creature, Islamic art does not possess any form of Human life in it. Its main art form is Arabesque, the use of calligraphic motifs and Mosaic art Paintings have a history of their own. From the cave paintings of the Stone Age to the art of the Renaissance period and into Modern art. As William Dobell says A sincere artist is not one who makes faithful attempts to put on to canvas what is in front of him, but one who tries to create something which is, in it-self a living thing. (Dobell, 2009) I will give a brief synopsis on the Artistic movements through history to Today, starting from the period of the Renaissance. The Renaissance Artists during this period wanted art that showed joy in human beauty and lifes pleasures. The paintings were more lifelike and brought in a sense of realism. They studied the art of perception, the artists painted in a way that showed differences from points of focus, resulting in painting with depth. The two famous painters from this time were Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo. A famous quote by Michelangelo was that The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection this is because he was a devout Christian and the church was his greatest patron. Rococo Period of Art (1700 1750) Rococo art is known for its light, ornamental and elaborate style of art. The main focus on paintings was of surface decoration and consisted mainly of light delicate colours. Portrait paintings was famous during this period, and one of the women painted often during this period was Madame de Pompadour. Neoclassicism (1750 1830) Then came about the 1800s this was thought to be an age of change. It was also during this time that the french reveloution took place. No single art style was in place Fashion Fashion is a specialized form of body adornment. It has been around ever since man was put down on earth. It has its own history and evolution through times. Explorers and travellers were among the first to document and comment on the body adornment and dress styles that they encountered around the world. Some returned from their travels with drawings and examples of clothing, sparking off a desire not only for the artefacts themselves but also for an understanding of them. Eventually the study of clothing came to be an accepted part of anthropology The study of human beings. (Jones, 2002) Fashion relates not only to clothing but also its accessories like jewellery, hairstyle, footwear and even body art. I intend on looking into the aspect of fashion in relation to clothing. To find out what fashion is and who make fashion be called fashion. For as long as time, individuals have used clothing as a means of non verbal communication. It is known to be a form of free speech. It is a language of signs and symbols and iconography. (Jones, 2002) It helps individuals to make a statement through what they wear and express individual identity, and since it is visual it is very easy for the onlooker to comprehend the image we are portraying through what we adorn. Cultural theorists and clothing analysts have focused on four practical functions of dress: utility, modesty, immodesty and adornment. (Jones, 2002) George Sproles suggested four additional elements which are: symbolic differentiation, social affiliation, psychological self enhancement and modernism. (George, 1979) Brief outlines of these elements are given below. Utility Clothing to be functional has to be practical. It is used to give us protectiveness in the environment that we are in. The human body temperature needs to be kept at a mean temperature to make sure of blood circulation and comfort. Dress reformers have put utility above other aesthetic considerations. The American Publisher Amelia Jenks Bloomer was worried about the impracticality of the crinoline that women used. She then brought about the concept of wearing trousers called bloomers, which eradicated the impracticality of the crinoline. (Jones, 2002) With the story of the bloomers in mind, people today choose clothes with comfort and durability in mind. Modesty Clothing acts as an aid to our nakedness. They help cover our body and can act as a guard to our modesty. We are often self conscious about our image, when it comes to revealing more of our body. When we grow older we try to hide our flaws, and seek clothing as our cover. Our culture plays a big role in modesty; it varies through individuals and societies over time. Immodesty Women have often been symbolized as passive sexual objects. Clothing can be used to enhance this attractiveness according to the wearer. A psychoanalytic approach, based on the writings of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung have been used by fashion theorists to explain the unconscious process underlying changes in fashion. (Jones, 2002) Adornment Young women in particular, often attempt to measure up to the ideals of beauty. In relation they use adornment to enrich their physical appearance, and bring out their individuality. The use of adornments could be as excessive as the user wants it to be. Such as how high can your shoe heels be, and how much make up could we layer on our face. These are all choices made on an individual level, in order to fit into a group or to make a statement. Symbolic Differentiation We as human beings often feel the need to identify who we are to society. Be it a doctor, lawyer, nun or pop artist. We use clothing to help satisfy this need. Clothing helps differentiate and help recognize who we are. It distinguishes the levels of social standing and helps in recognizing religious associations and professions. Social affiliation As opposed to differentiation, when it comes to social affiliation, we tend to dress to fit into a particular group or part of society. Clothing can sometimes be used as a revolt against fashion and its current trends as well. Like the punks who can be noted by their torn clothes, coloured hair and the dramatic use of safety pins. The Goths, who also dress in a similar fashion, have led to a more feminised version in Japan called the Gothic Lolita. These groups in time tend to form their own fashions and people treat them as modern trends. And try to adopt these elements into their wardrobe as well. Psychological self enhancement We as individuals try to stand out on our own and show our personality. For this reason you will hardly find two people dressed alike from head to toe. Because as individuals we have our own tastes and styles of putting things together. So we adorn ourselves in different manners even if we shop at the same store, and buy the same clothes the way we look once we have accessorised ourselves would differ, just like no two people are alike. It is now evident that fashion indeed, does affect our life greatly. According to Linda Watson, dressing is our forth bodily function. Dressing is the fourth bodily function after breathing, eating and sleeping and excluding a couple of delicious optional extras one of the fundamental pleasures of the human body is to clothe it. Which makes fashion its closest relation pretty important. (Watson, 1999) Fashion is a form of art which will forever be changing throughout the decades, and the change is brought about by trends which are signalled out through Fashion design and its designers. Fashion Design Fashion design is a form of art. It falls into the category of applied arts. Applied arts unlike fine arts is the application of design together with aesthetics to produce objects of use. it is ruled by the principle that form follows function. Fashion designing is the creativity of deigning clothing. Like many forms of design and art fashion design too has its elements. The main elements are silhouette, line, and texture. The uses of these elements are called principle; they are repetition, rhythm, graduation, radiation, contrast, harmony, balance and proportion (Jones, 2002) Fashion is divided into two seasons, Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter. Designers design accordingly to the two seasons. The clothing they produce for each season is called a collection. Fashion collections always have certain similarities, an invisible thread which ties up all the pieces of the collection together. A look into the above mentioned elements and principles will help us to understand how fashion design works. Silhouette In simple terms Silhouette is basically the outline of a form. Fashion Silhouette is the overall outline a garment produces. As garments are three dimentional the Silhouette changes when it is moving. So designers have to keep this in mind when they design the clothing. The Silhouette of a garment is what first catches the eye. Because of distance it is what is first noticed before the detailing of the clothing comes to view. For this reason Silhouette is one of the most important elements in design. When designers produce a collection they keep in mind that it cannot have too many different Silhouettes. Too many variations will weaken the impact and the overall message that the designers are creating will be lost. Silhouettes have changed throughout times and have gone to extremes of being bulky and voluminous to flat and skinny. I will look at this later during the historical analysis if fashion. Line The most common use of line in fashion is in the seaming of the pattern pieces and in fastenings. Vertical seam lines create an effect of length and elegance because they lead the eye up and down the body. Horizontal lines tend to be shorter in span and therefore draw attention to the width of the body. Lines across the body can make the figure appear shorter and wider. (Jones, 2002) Lines in a garment give us different views of perception. Lines can be used effectively to enhance or hide features of the body. It helps give the garment direction and flow. Texture Texture in fashion design relates to the surface feel of the fabric. The way a fabric behaves is very important in design. As it will set the overall look of the garment and how the garment will sit on the body and move with flexibility. Colour is also important when it comes to creating a good impression with the garment. Fashion design gives us a unique sense of luxury. As it offers to us not just forms of adornment by way of clothing, but it also gives us a feeling of belonging and self enhancement. As the clothing we wear and who they are made by speak tremendously about our personality. The inspirational source behind the clothing we choose does impact us to a certain degree. In the next chapter I will give an in-depth analysis on how Fashion design has been influenced by artistic movements and paintings. Gianni Versace was a designer who was obsessed with the past. He was frequent in visiting museums and obsessed with their artworks. He studied the Byzantine art at the Metropolitan Museum of arts and was inspired by the metal found in byzantine art. Which he then put to use, by creating a metal neck cocktail top. Yves St. Laurent, from 1965-1966, made dresses which bore the artistic works of Abstract Painter Piet Mondrian. The welding of art and fashion, however found its most vivid expression in the Mondrian Dresses of Yves St. Laurent. His dresses came to be known as the Mondrian Dress and was called the Dress of Tomorrow (Mackrell, Art and Fashion, 2005, p. 147) Figure 7. The romance between fashion and the Surrealist movement began in the early 20s when the movement broke away from the written word to embrace objects. The appeal of Surrealism to the fashion industry is instantly obvious in their use of ordinary everyday objects and weird landscapes that transferred easily to fabric printing, jewellery, hats, couture etc, allowing designers the freedom to create art pieces, and this fascination worked both ways as what covered the body had always been important to the Surrealist philosophy, in the way that it allowed the imagination to wonder what lay underneath, and this translated easily into wearable garments. (Martin, 1990)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Catcher In The Rye: Book Review :: essays research papers

The Catcher In The Rye: Book Review The Catcher In The Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, is a fictional novel that was first published in 1965. The novel takes place in New York City and in Pennsylvania over a duration of four days. This novel tells the story of an emotionally disturbed teenager who has been kicked out of a boarding school. The story is told from the point of view of a teenager who is the narrator of the story. The main character in this novel is Holden Caulfield. He is sixteen years old and serves as the narrator of this novel. Holden does not like anybody or anything around him. He is an emotionally troubled kid and has many problems with his life. Phoebe is Holden's little sister. She is ten years old and lives at home with their parents. Phoebe really admires and loves her big brother, Holden. This novel begins when Holden is in a mental hospital in California. The novel is a flashback of the events over a time period of four days. The flashback starts off when Holden gets kicked out of his boarding school, Pency Prep, because he is failing most of his classes. Holden decides to go into New York City for a couple of days until his parents will be expecting him home for Christmas vacation. Holden goes to bars and meets with friends during this time. On the third night, Holden decides to go and visit his sister, Phoebe. Phoebe is one of the only people that Holden actually loves. Holden talks to Phoebe about his life being a failure. He is trying to understand life and his place in the world. Holden decides that he wants to go see Mr. Antolini, an old teacher, to help him get a better understanding of his life. At Mr. Antolini's home, Holden discusses many of the problems that he is facing. Mr. Antolini tells Holden that he has to learn not to hate everyone around him. He has to learn to love people. Holden is told that he has to think about his future. He has to decide when he is going to start to take life seriously and apply himself in school. Holden's conversation with Mr. Antolini is the climax of the novel. This is the point of the novel when Holden starts to listen and understand his problems. He realizes that it is time he put his life back on the right track. The next day, Holden returns home to his family. Holden is taken directly to a

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Original Writing Essay -- Papers

Original Writing A crunch of pebbles as a perfectly crafted square of engineered metal falls to the beach. 5 figures crawl from their vessel onto a dreary beachhead. The rain beat down on a terrible Tuesday night. Silver, a man in his prime of physical fitness, shivered in the cold. Like lambs his men followed him intently, without question. In their minds, however, they were at home. With their wives and girlfriends, away from the war. Too many men have perished on this 2-mile stretch of coastline for man to contemplate, for a war that is yet to be understood. Since the last attempt at taking this beach, which was a major failure, there has been an armistice. Everything has been quiet, apart from the occasional fire drill inside the enemy's frontline campus. "Omaha Squad, state your position" Crackles Silvers radio equipment, breaking the deadly silence abruptly. In code, he makes his reply. Omaha Squad, led by Silver, was ordered to infiltrate the G25s communication tower to gather intelligence. Hi...

Friday, October 11, 2019

St.patrick’s day

When people here the name st. patrick they would most likely think of a Leprechaun with a green Jacket and hat holding a four leaf clover from Ireland. But really, St. Patrick was born, not in Ireland, but in Britain around AD 387. Well, actually, he wasn't called St. Patrick at the time, or even Patrick, but was referred to as Maewyn Succat. And when he was growing up St. patrick was far from a saint in fact he was considered a pagan until he was 16 when he was taken into slavery by a group of Irish marauders that attacked his village.Patrick was then sold to his master whom he served for 6 years it was then that he became a Christian One day he heard a compelling voice tell him in his sleep to leave his master, and find a ship that awaited him. He fled to the coast of Ireland and eventually made it back to his home. He then studied in the church and stayed there for 12 years that was when he decided that what god wants him to do is to convert the pagans of Ireland to Christianity. Eventually he adopted his new Christian name, Patricius, or Patrick as it is said today nd returned to Ireland after being appointed a Bishop.Patrick was very successful at converting people, that upset the Celtic Druids who had him arrested several times, but he managed to escape each arrest. Patrick traveled through Ireland, establishing monasteries, schools, and churches throughout the land. Eventually Patrick returned to where he had once been a slave, to pay his ransom to his former master, and to put his â€Å"blessing† upon him. Even though he had been treated cruelly Patrick didn't hold a grudge against him.As Patrick approached his master's old home he saw that it was on fire. He was told by many people that in a fit, his old master gathered all of his valuables into his mansion, set them on fire, and threw himself into the fire telling everyone that â€Å"his pride could not take the thought of being killed by his former slave†. There are also many legends su rrounding st. patrick saying that he raised people from the dead. Patrick converted people in Ireland for 30 years. Afterwards, he retired, and then died on March 17th, 461 AD.He was not declared a saint when Patrick died, that didn't happen until the 12th century. He would have been declared a saint by acclamation, and his sainthood approved by a local bishop soon after he died. St. Patrick's Day was originally a Catholic holiday, and still is, but has also made it was into a holiday for everyone to celebrate being celebrated by non-lrish, non-Catholics, and ironically even atheists. The tradition of pinching people that didn't wear green is an American tradition that started in the 1700s.People thought wearing green made them invisible to leprechauns, who they thought would pinch people for not wearing green. So when you think of St. Patrick, and you imagine a leprechaun in a green Jacket, hat, pipe, clover, and pot of gold try to remember that he was not a man who devoted 30 year s of his life to teaching and helping the Irish. We think of the color green not a man that suffered six years of slavery to preach his beliefs. And has turned this holiday about him into celebrating leprechauns and wearing green st. patrick's day esssay.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ford Motor

Ford Motor Company [pic] Morten Anders Rosenkrands LUC 2004 Table of contents 1. Introduction2 2. What is the history of the Ford Motor Company till today? 3 3. Why is the Ford losing market shares in Denmark? 4 4. What can ford do to counter act this? 5 5. What are the Ford Motor Companies plans for the future? 5 6. Conclusion6 7. Literature list7 1. Introduction In the last 100 years The Ford Motor Company has been a leading contributor to the motor industry because of its dedication to create and design cars for the future.Today Ford is losing out on some of the markets in Europe and I would like to find out why? In the following text I would like to analyze what is the history of the Ford motor Company today? Because I think it is important to look back in time to good understand how it all came to be. I would also like to analyze why is Ford losing market shares in Denmark? And further more what can Ford do to counteract this? To end it all of I am going to write about what are the Ford Motor Companies plans for the future?This should cover the question why the Ford motor Company is losing out on some of the Markets in Europe. In the text in have limited down to why is Ford losing market shares in Denmark? Because if I had taken the Ford Motor Company it would have included other motor companies like Volvo, Mazda, Lincon, Mercury, Land Rover, Jaguar and Aston Martin, and that would have been to extensive. 2. What is the history of the Ford Motor Company till today? It all started in a tiny wagon shop in Detroit staffed with about 10 people.This was the place where the second largest motor company in the world had it’s beginning. The first car the company ever made was sold to a Detroit physician. He purchased a model A Ford just one month after the company had begun. But due to failure of the model A the company was in trouble and something had to be done so the company lunched the model T which immediately became one of Ford biggest success. After 20 years of production the model T was taken off the production line. At the time Ford had sold more than a million model T’s.In 1919 Henry Ford and the companies stockholders got in a fight and they demanded that Henry Ford was taken of the post as president of the company. Henry Ford had no choice and then had to leave his company but the blood stayed in the company because Henry Ford’s son Edsel Ford took over the company. Henry Ford was not company president any more but still played a vital role in Ford because he was now head chairman. People at the time where looking for something more stylish and the model T was not it.So after the production had stooped the company went back and began production of the first model A again because it was a more stylish car but before production started it had under gone a vast improvement. In the next 4 years 4,5 million model A’s rolled of the assembly line. Ford buys Lincon. In the 1930s people began to demand more fro m their cars. They wanted luxury and power and that was exactly what Ford gave them with the Mercury, which was a whole new concept for Ford. Ford had now succeeded in becoming a company that made cars for the middle class.Before that Ford was more for the lower classes of society because of the price. Ford had in the previous years been so cheap that standards had fallen. 1945 Henrys son Edsel Ford, Fords president at the time, dies because of a car accident and Henry Ford now has to go back in the seat as Ford Motor Company’s president but at that time Henry is old and worn out so after 2 years as president Henry’s grand son Henry Ford II becomes president of the company. 2 years later Henry Ford dies as and old man at the age of 83.Edsel Ford remained president until 1960 where he stepped back and became executive officer until 1980. Edsel Ford dies in 1997. 1979 Ford buys Mazda 1987 Ford buys Aston Martin 1990 Ford buys Jaguar 1999 Ford buys Volvo Today another For d is at the steering wheel of Ford. William Clay Ford junior is the present president and CEO of the company. 3. Why is the Ford losing market shares in Denmark? In the last couple of years there has been a tendency that people more often want cars which are more gas economic and are cheaper.Ford is today neither. Ford sold in 2002 Jan-Sept 7045 cars to the Danish market. The year after it only sold Jan-Sept 5227[1] cars. One of Ford main problems today is that is does not have a very good image. People see Ford as a middle class car with low class components and not very good mileage to the liter. One of Fords other problems is that Ford has never gotten very good grades in ncap[2] tests. This also adds to Fords not so good image. 4. What can ford do to counter act this? Strengths |Weaknesses | |Good production facilities, strong leadership, good image in USA, good |Image, quality of their cars, expensive for what you get in terms of | |sales in USA, owns several other car compani es in the world, well known |quality, | |brand, | | |Opportunities |Threats | |WAT in Denmark falls, other car manufactures drop the Danish market, |Prize of oil rises, WAT rises in Denmark, more car manufactures come in | | |to the Danish market, a serious fault is found on Fords cars, | From the SWAT analysis it is easy to see what Ford needs to do if they want to change their image and sell some more cars. In the future Ford should also try to make their cars a bit cheaper so that the quality of the car and the prize are match up. If Ford wants to change their image they should try to have a better-aimed marketing strategy because today Fords marketing strategy is aimed at a very large group of people. This is not the most effective way to sell cars they should instead try to focus on more specific groups of people.The problem for the Danish market is just that people in Denmark are very affected by the gas prizes this is why a lot of fuel economic cars are bought today. So if Ford would like to sell more cars they should try to make their cars more gas economic. This I think combined with good marketing scheme could be a very effective way to sell more cars in Denmark. On the other hand Ford could make their cars more luxuries but that would not be plausible on the Danish market. 5. What are the Ford Motor Companies plans for the future? Ford Motor Company has in the latest years intensified their research in renewable fuels. What they have come up with is that cars in the future could be driving on hydrogen. The good thing about hydrogen engine is that the only exhaust it makes is water.So there would be no problems with the toxic foams cars make today. The down side about the hydrogen engine is that the speed of it is still limited. Ford does not at this time have a plan for when they are going to start producing the hydrogen car but they expect it to be on the streets within 10 years. At the time Ford is desperately trying to change their slumping ima ge by re-lunching several of their old classic cars. In the last to years Ford has re-lunched 3 of their old classics the Ford Mustang, the Ford Thunderbird and the Ford GT40. By re-lunching these models Ford is trying to relive some of the golden years they had in the 1950s and 1960s.On the American market the cars have been a limited success. Although the thunderbird was named car of the year in 2003 the market is at this time getting a little tired of the car and sales have almost stopped completely. [pic] The problem for Ford in Denmark is just that none of these new re-lunched cars are ever going to be sold on the Danish market. The reason why Ford is not going to sell these cars in Denmark is because the Danish market would never buy that kind of fuel guzzling cars. This is what I think today is one of Ford biggest problems because Ford in reality has to design to different cars one for the American market and one for the rest of the world.Almost no other car manufacturer does this they only lunch one model for the entire world. By only lunching one model they can save some money on marketing because some adds can be used on the European markets as well as on the American markets. 6. Conclusion From the text it is easy to see that Ford is a great company with a lot of history and traditions. But today history and traditions do not sell cars people have in the latest years seen an increase in oil prizes that have changed the way they look at cars today. From thinking more about quality and strength people have a tendency to want cars that are cheaper and drive longer on the fuel.This has made it difficult for Ford to compete with the some of the Chinese car manufactures witch have a long line of tradition in making cheap and fuel economic cars. One of the things Ford then could do is to make more fuel economic cars or change their strategy and make cheaper cars so that their current prize and the cars quality match. This is why Ford in the future has plan s for hydrogen cars. Ford is also at the moment trying to change their image by re-lunching so of the companies most popular cars from the 1950s and 1960s. 7. Literature list Homepages: www. ford. com www. motormagasinet. dk ———————– [1] Sales numbers from www. transportmagasinet. dk/statestikcenter/bilsalgstal-sept-2003. pdf [2] ncap is a European car test agency where they test cars in crash tests.